Scholarships are a great source of funding for Master's students who are liable to pay tuition fees. Chalmers University of Technology offers numerous scholarship opportunities. Some of these are administered by the university itself and others by external institutions.
Scholarships administered by Chalmers
The scholarships that are listed below are available only to first year Master's programme applicants. They are valid for 2 years of study, under certain conditions.
The Avancez Scholarships
are 75% tuition fee waivers funded by the Chalmers Foundation and they are awarded by Chalmers University of Technology. These scholarships are available to all fee-paying students.
The IPOET (International Programme Office for Education and Training) Scholarships
are 75% tuition fee waivers funded by the Government of Sweden and they are awarded by Chalmers University of Technology. These scholarships are available to all fee-paying students.
The Sievert Larsson Scholarship Fund (within Friends of Chalmers)
offers a 100% tuition fee waiver and living expenses to students of Thai nationality who aim to study on a Master's programme at Chalmers University of Technology.
Sievert Larsson奖学金基金
The Volvo Car Corporation Scholarships
are 100% tuition fee waivers awarded to 2 Chinese students with the guarantee of participation in the VESC (Volvo Engineering Student Concept) programme which includes a summer job, Master thesis project, mentorship and possible employment at Volvo Car Corporation.
The Volvo Group Scholarship Programme
are 100% fee tuition fee waivers awarded to students of Indian and/or Chinese nationality. The Scholarships include possibilities for internships during the summer, a final Master thesis project and mentorship.
The Chalmers MasterCard Scholarship
One scholarship will be offered in 2017. Available biennially for a Master's student from Central America, South America or Mexico. The scholarship comprises a 280 000 SEK reduction of the tuition fee (70 000 SEK reduction/semester).
The US Friends of Chalmers Scholarship
One scholarship will be offered in 2017 to a US applicant. The scholarship covers 100% of the tuition fee for studies on Engineering Master's Programmes at Chalmers.
Adlerbert Study Scholarships
are 100% tuition fee waivers. Five scholarships will be awarded in 2017 to students who are citizens of one of 143 specified countries. The scholarship comprises a full tuition fee waiver and is funded by the the Adlerbert Foundations.
Adlerbert 学习奖学金
Saab Scholarship
The Saab Scholarship will be awarded to a prospective Indonesian student who is applying for the Master’s Program in Communication Engineering at Chalmers. The scholarship includes costs of living and a travel grant.
Note: Being granted alternative funding from external patrons does not affect the possibility of obtaining scholarships from Chalmers as an applicant's financial status is not taken into account during the nomination process.
Scholarships administered by other organizations
The Swedish Institute scholarships - The Swedish Institute, a government agency, administers numerous scholarship programmes each year for students and researchers coming to Sweden to pursue their objectives at a Swedish university. Use their online guide in order to find out if any of the Swedish Institute scholarships are available for citizens of your country at your intended level of study. Chalmers do not administrate or answer questions reagrding the Swedish insitute scholarships. Please take note any questions must be directed to the Swedish insitute only.
Note: Students will be awarded only one scholarship from Sweden. But keep in mind that students can hold extra funding in the form of scholarships or grants administered by governmental or non-governmental entities from their own home countries or abroad, in addition to a scholarship awarded by Chalmers or SI.
The Global Study Awards offers up to 90 000 GBP to 9 students each year.
Scholarships for current students at Chalmers
Adlerbert 60th Anniversary Scholarships were awarded for the first time during 2014 to fee paying Master's Programme students who were admitted Autumn 2013, including scholarship holders whose scholarships did not include costs of living coverage. This means that, for instance, holders of Swedish Institute scholarships and Sievert Larsson, version 2 scholarships are not eligible to apply. In order to be eligible the applicant must have passed at least 60 credits during the first year of studies. The scholarships, which amount to 60 000 SEK each, are awarded based on the applicants' cumulative grade point average. Around 10 to 20 Scholarships are offered each year.
Adlerbert 六十周年奖学金。该奖学金于2014年第一次颁发。当时的颁发对象是2013年秋季入学的需要支付学费的硕士课程学生,包括奖学金不涵盖生活费的奖学金持有者。这即是说,拿到瑞典研究所奖学金和Sievert Larsson第二版奖学金的学生不能申请该奖学金。为了能够申请,申请人必须在第一学年拿到至少60个学分。这类奖学金每项有6万克朗,评定标准为申请人的累积平均积点。每年提供的奖学金大约有10到20项。
Adlerbert Foreign Student Hospitality Fund is only open for international students who have been admitted to, and enrolled on, a Master's Programme at Chalmers. Thus, prospective students cannot apply. Students can be awarded the scholarship a maximum of two times. The application period opens in the beginning of December and closes in the end of January. Consequently, it is only possible to apply during this period of a student's first and second year.
Rotary International Student House Scholarship Fund aims to provide financial assistance to foreign gueststudents (non-EU) who are studying at Chalmers University of Technology or Gothenburg University. The application deadline is October 6th every year.
Rotary 国际学生奖学金基金。该奖学金旨在向在查尔姆斯理工大学或哥特堡大学学习的非欧盟成员国外国访问学生提供经济支助。申请截止日期为每年10月6日。